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Why We Celebrate International Credit Union Day®

Why We Celebrate International Credit Union Day®

This idea of collective energy, of pooling savings and creating loans for each other, has become a unifying force for people and communities looking for an alternative to profit-driven financial institutions.

Seattle Visitors' Guide

Seattle Visitors' Guide

The Emerald city is an international hub of inspiration and connectivity, and its combination of art, nature, and innovation keeps us coming back for more.

Aquila Standard Gets Fired Up For United Way’s Day of Caring

Aquila Standard Gets Fired Up For United Way’s Day of Caring

Our Aquila Standard volunteer team of 12 nailed it (literally) last week at United Ways national Day of Caring. They worked at Lake Union Village, a tiny house village for people experiencing homelessness.

Proud to Support Washington Coalition to Eliminate Farmworker Sexual Harassment

Proud to Support Washington Coalition to Eliminate Farmworker Sexual Harassment

Were fortunate to meet so many organizations throughout Washington that work tirelessly to make this world a safer, more just place.

Intentionalist Holiday Gift Guide

Intentionalist Holiday Gift Guide

Holiday festivities are in full swing! For many, that includes gift-giving, which has strong roots in the Pacific Northwest.

Black History Month: an Ideal Time to Reflect on Credit Union Leadership

Black History Month: an Ideal Time to Reflect on Credit Union Leadership

Credit union history is rife with strong, compassionate African American leadership that has strengthened communities and influenced the industry as a whole. Black History Month is a great opportunity to reflect on this impact and the individuals who have dedicated their careers to empowering traditionally marginalized communities.

Member Story: Sherryl

Member Story: Sherryl

Sherryl knows better than most just how many curve balls life can throw your way. A Seattle native, she’s spent the last few years juggling a business, managing a family, and overseeing rental properties.

Member Story: Meet Veronica

Member Story: Meet Veronica

Veronica always dreamed of being her own boss and she knew she had the smarts, drive, and discipline to be successful. With her mom’s help, Veronica opened her first hot dog cart and named it Charlie’s Dog House, after her Yorkshire Terrier.

Member Story: Debra

Member Story: Debra

“I always remember dates. The moments my life changed.” For member Debra, April 9, 2009 is one of those dates. It’s the day she got clean.

7 Online & Offline Places to Sell Clothes

7 Online & Offline Places to Sell Clothes

Whether you're looking to clean up or re-organize your closet, people are always looking to sell off used clothes. Below are some ways to shrink your home inventory and pad your pocketbook at the same time.

