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Events & Financial Education Workshops

As your partner in growth and prosperity, we understand the path to financial health can be daunting and we may not all start off with the same knowledge or resources. That is why we offer ongoing education to help Members become savvy financial consumers.

Led by a financial expert, our workshops are designed to empower you with the tools and resources you need to take on your financial future.

Workshop Video Recordings

Purchase a Home 
October 6th, 2021

This seminar is for new or repeat home buyers. We will discuss the home-buying process, what to expect from a realtor and your lender, and what a buyer should do as a part of their due diligence.

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Drive Away Happy: Car Buying Decisions 
November 10th, 2021

Getting a car can be overwhelming and stressful with all the decisions to make: new or used; buy or lease; zero percent financing or rebate (not to mention what color to pick). Participants will learn tips and tricks to have the best car shopping experience possible, while also making wise financing decisions.

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Breezing Through the Holidays 
December 8th, 2021

It may be called “the most wonderful time of the year" but December can also be filled with unwanted debt with holiday spending. Learn budgeting strategies and tactics to avoid that year-end credit card crunch and sidestep debt traps in the future.

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Comprando un Hogar
October 27th, 2021

Este seminario es dedicado a los compradores de hogar ya sea por primera vez o dueños actuales. Analizaremos el proceso de comprar un hogar, lo que puedes esperar de su agente inmobiliario y prestamista, y lo que tu debes entender y hacer durante todo este proceso.

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Salir Alir Manejando Contento- Decisiones Cuando Estas Comprano Un Auto
November 24th, 2021

Comprando un auto puede ser abrumador y estresante por todas las decisiones que debes hacer: nuevo o usado; comprar o arrendar; Zero porciento financiamiento o reembolso (por no hablar de cual color por escoger). Participantes aprenderán consejos y trucos para tener la mejor experiencia al comprar un auto y tener la seguridad de haber tomado sabias decisiones financieras.

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Upcoming Events

For 2022, we are making changes to our WORK$HOP WEDNE$DAY with you in mind. We want to know what you would like in these sessions. We also want to make sure that we are scheduling these sessions at the most convenient time for your schedule. Please share your opinion in this survey. And let us know if there is anything else we can do to help you prosper!

Hacemos varios cambios a nuestro programa ‘Workshop Wednesday’ pensando en ti. Queremos saber qué te gustaría ver en estas sesiones. Queremos asegurar también que estemos programando estas sesiones al tiempo que más te conviene. Por favor, comparte tus opiniones en esta encuesta. ¡Avísanos si hay algo más que podemos hacer para ayudarte a prosperar!

