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National Adoption Month: Children’s Home Society of Washington Help Children Find Their ‘Forever Home’

Through our Select Employer Group program, we’re proud to align with community partners committed to strengthening community through the work they do every day. In honor of National Adoption Month (November), we’re highlighting Children’s Home Society of Washington.

Founded in 1896, Children’s Home Society of Washington’s mission is to develop healthy children, create strong families, build engaged communities, and speak and advocate for children. They’ve done this through child and family counseling, family support networks, adoption support and guidance, and early learning programs. Their strategic plan over the next few years is ambitious: to create community “hubs” that provide these comprehensive services to all children from birth to age 12 that need them. They hope to have “hubs” in Seattle, Kent, Tacoma, Wenatchee, Spokane, Walla Walla, and Vancouver.

Specific to adoption support, CHS acts as a confidential intermediary and conducts a search for adoptees and birth parent separated through adoption in Washington State. In total, more than 28,000 children have been adopted through CHS.

CHS is one of many organizations committed to helping children find their “forever homes.” According to the Dave Thomas Foundation, more than 117,000 children in the U.S. are waiting in foster care for an adoptive family. The average wait for these children is three years, and more than 20,000 will age out of the system every year before they find a permanent home.

This year, National Adoption Day is November 17. On last year’s recognition day, nearly 5,000 children were adopted by their forever families and 410 cities across the United States participated in adoption initiatives.

For many a journey to prosperity includes building or growing a family. And for some, this growth includes adoption. We support these goals, and we’ll continue to embrace the diversity of paths it takes to turn those goals into reality. After all, it’s our diverse tapestry of experience that inspires communities to thrive.

Want to learn more? Check out these resources:

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