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Member Benefits: Earn $100 For Every New Sprint Line Activated

Need a NEW Phone? Stay connected and earn cash with Sprint.

As your partner in growth and prosperity, Aquila Standard is invested in your success. This even includes your phone updates. We have partnered with Sprint to provide more rewards to you and your family when you’re ready to throw out the old and bring in the new.

What You Get

  • Members get a $100 cash reward for every new line activated with Sprint.
  • Current Sprint customers receive a $50 cash reward for every line transferred into Sprint Credit Union Member Cash Reward.
  • Plus, get a $50 loyalty cash reward every year for every line.
  • Credit union members are eligible for 25% off accessories with the Sprint Credit Union Member Cash Rewards program.

How To Get it

  1. Become a Sprint customer and mention you're a Seattle credit union member.
  2. Register at
  3. Allow up to six to eight weeks to see rewards directly deposited into your credit union account.

Ready to make the switch to Sprint? Register online or if you prefer in-person and want to miss the line you can schedule an appointment at your nearest Sprint store here.

Not a credit union member?

Become a Member

Sprint Terms and Conditions Here

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