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Financial Tips

CDs vs. Share Certificates: What's the Difference?

CDs vs. Share Certificates: What's the Difference?

If you’re shopping around for financial products, you may have come across two similar things with different names: Certificates of Deposit (CDs) and Share Certificates. What are the differences and how can they benefit you? Read on to learn more.

Four Important Steps to Buying and Financing Your Next New Car

Four Important Steps to Buying and Financing Your Next New Car

If you’re thinking about buying a new car and you’re not sure where to start, you’ve come to the right place. Your first instinct might be to head straight to the dealership, but a little bit of financial planning and preparation can go a long way. Here are 4 steps to guide you on your way to getting a great deal on your new car.

How to Avoid Overdraft Fees

How to Avoid Overdraft Fees

Whenever you make a payment from your checking account, it’s a good idea to have enough funds in your account to cover it to avoid overdraft fees and returned payments. Here are some strategies that can help you do that.

Ways to Stay Afloat Financially During the Government Shutdown

Ways to Stay Afloat Financially During the Government Shutdown

As the government shutdown continues, we know some of our members are struggling to make it between paychecks. At Aquila Standard, we don’t want unexpected events to wreak havoc on your short-term finances. That’s why our approach to banking – from our products to our customer service – is designed to help you weather life’s storms. 

Top 4 Financial Resolutions

Top 4 Financial Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions. Whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em, the start of a new year often inspires reflection. What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to improve upon or change?

How to Protect Your Personal Information Online

How to Protect Your Personal Information Online

As we live more of our lives online, we must remember that our personal information also lives online. Each purchase, transaction, and communication leaves a footprint that criminals are eager to use for nefarious purposes.

Benefits of Riding and Tips for Financing Your First Bicycle

Benefits of Riding and Tips for Financing Your First Bicycle

Cycling has and continues to grow as an important mode of transportation in our city and throughout the Pacific Northwest. As Seattle traffic increases and public transportation options expand, the opportunity to utilize bike lanes has made it easier than ever to make cycling a part of a healthy lifestyle.

Top Tax-Filing Mistakes To Avoid

Top Tax-Filing Mistakes To Avoid

Did you know people that do their taxes on paper are 20 times more likely to make an error than e-filers? Prepare your tax return using IRS e-file or another e-file system to help avoid these common mistakes and a delay on your next tax refund.

Debt Consolidation: What Is It and How Can It Help

Debt Consolidation: What Is It and How Can It Help

Debt consolidation is an effective strategy to get bills back under control for those who owe. What exactly is debt consolidation, and how can it help? Consolidating debt involves paying off most or all of those owed and effectively shifting the burden to a single lender.

Get Our Free Auto-Buying Guide

Get Our Free Auto-Buying Guide

Whether you are getting ready to buy your first car or your next one, we've put together an Auto-Buying Guide to help remove the mystery and intimidation from the car-buying process.

