Online Banking


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Displaying 81-90 of 296 results.

Showing results for "askus 20".

Do I have to pay advances on my line of credit (LOC) in full?

No. You certainly can pay your advances in full, and you will pay less in interest if you do. However, if you carry a balance on your LOC from month-to-month, you will have minimum monthly payments of 2.75% of the outstanding balance or $25, whichever is greater.

Read more about Do I have to pay advances on my line of credit (LOC) in full?

Does the credit union offer overdraft services?

Get the peace of mind of knowing your check and electronic transactions are covered with Aquila Standard's Account Backup and Overdraft Privilege.

Read more about Does the credit union offer overdraft services?

How do I change my account nicknames?

You can use the Account Nicknames page to make changes to the following.

Read more about How do I change my account nicknames?

How do I log into Online Banking for the first time?

Aquila Standard members who have not previously enrolled in Online Banking can follow the steps below to log in for the first time:

Read more about How do I log into Online Banking for the first time?

What happens now that I submitted my membership application?

Now that your application was submitted, it will be reviewed by us. If we have further questions regarding your application, we will reach our to you directly via the contact information in your application.

Read more about What happens now that I submitted my membership application?

Can I refinance (refi) my mortgage with Aquila Standard?

Whether you are buying a home or refinancing your existing mortgage to save money or get cash, the mortgage experts at Aquila Standard’s Mortgage Center can help you get the right loan for you without the headaches of the typical mortgage process.

Read more about Can I refinance (refi) my mortgage with Aquila Standard?

When will I receive my tax documents from Aquila Standard?

Most tax documents are sent out by mail on January 31st, with the exception of IRS Form 5498 which is sent by May 31st. 

Read more about When will I receive my tax documents from Aquila Standard?

