How do I change my account nicknames?
You can use the Account Nicknames page to make changes to the following:
- The display name for each account
- The account order on the Home page
- Text banking account preferences
To add or edit an account nickname:
- In the Navigation menu, click or tap Settings and Alerts > Account Nicknames
- Locate the account that you want to assign a display name. In the list, accounts are grouped by type. Enter an account nickname in the field below the account number. This display name will appear instead of a generic name in Online Banking and the mobile app.
- Click or tap Submit to submit the change.
To change the order in which your accounts display:
- In the Navigation menu, click or tap Settings and Alerts > Account Nicknames
- In the “Order” column, enter numbers that correspond to the order in which you’d like accounts to appear on the homepage. For example, the account marked “1” will show up first, “2” will show up second, and so on.
- Click or tap Submit to submit the change.
For how to update text banking account preferences, please see the article “How do I update text banking preferences?”
If you have any further questions about this, call us at 206.398.5500 or send us a message.