Online Banking


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Displaying 21-30 of 296 results.

Showing results for "askus 39".

How do you close an account?

If you wish to close your account with us, call us at 206.398.5500, 718.952.1741 or visit our Contact Page.

Read more about How do you close an account?

How do I add someone as an authorized user to my Credit Card?

To add an authorized user to  a member’s credit card account, we request that the cardholder submit a signed written request.

Read more about How do I add someone as an authorized user to my Credit Card?

How do I order additional checkbook registers?

To order additional checkbook registers, simply reach out to us, providing your name and membership number, and confirming the address you would like us to send them to.

Read more about How do I order additional checkbook registers?

How do I update my personal and contact information?

You can update your personal information with us through your Online Banking. Once logged in, select Profile > Profile Updates > Address and Phone number or  Profile > Profile Updates > Email Address.

Read more about How do I update my personal and contact information?

Why can't I enroll in Online Banking?

The most common reasons is that there is a discrepancy in the information from our records. Please verify your account number and account type with what is shown on your statement.

Read more about Why can't I enroll in Online Banking?

How can I access my business accounts through Online Banking?

If you are a signer on the business accounts, they will appear under your personal Online Banking profile.

Read more about How can I access my business accounts through Online Banking?

What is your mailing address?

Our mailing address is Aquila Standard, 1521 1st Ave S, Ste 500, Seattle, WA 98134. All loan payments, deliveries, and other mailed correspondence are received at this location, except for Visa Payments which should be mailed to PO Box 2711, Omaha, NE 69103-2711.

Read more about What is your mailing address?

Activate Debit Card

In order to activate your debit card, please call the activation line at 800.992.3808

Read more about Activate Debit Card

How do I add or remove joints and beneficiaries?

Adding or removing a beneficiary can be done remotely or in branch. Going into a branch is probably the easiest method, as long as you and all other signers can be present at the same time. 

Read more about How do I add or remove joints and beneficiaries?

I can't access my Visa Reward Points.

To access your uChoose Rewards points, log into online banking. On desktop, click on your credit card account or on mobile, go to Accounts > Credit Card Information. On the next screen click on the uChoose Rewards image below the menu on the left side of the screen.

Read more about I can't access my Visa Reward Points.

