How do I enroll in text banking?
Use the Text Enrollment and Account Nicknames pages to enroll in text banking. You must agree to terms and conditions to enroll.
To enroll in text banking:
- In the Navigation menu, click or tap Settings and Alerts > Text Enrollment.
- Click or tap the switch at the top to toggle it from Off to On.
- Enter the number that you want to enable for text banking in the SMS Text Number field.
- Click or tap Terms and Conditions to read the terms and conditions in another tab.
- Click or tap Privacy Policy and read the privacy policy in another tab.
- Select the Agree To Terms check box.
- Click or tap Save.
- In the Enrollment Successful message, click or tap Visit Preferences. Alternately, you can click Settings and Alerts > Account Nicknames > Text.
- Check the Enabled box under each account that you’d like to enable for text banking.
- In the text field below the account name, enter a 4-letter nickname for each enabled account.
- In the text field on the right, enter an order number for each enabled account. For example, the account marked “1” will show up first, the account marked “2” will show up second, etc.
- Click Submit.