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Displaying 101-110 of 212 results.

Showing results for "sites www seattlecu com files personal loan rates seattle credit union pdf".

Why do some of the branches not have tellers?

As part of Aquila Standard's commitment to better serve our members, we are slowly moving to an open branch system. 

Read more about Why do some of the branches not have tellers?

How long will it be until I get a decision on my loan application?

The decision take approximately 1-2 business days. Once we have reached a loan decision, we will contact you directly and by mail notifying you of your loan decision. 

Read more about How long will it be until I get a decision on my loan application?

Financial Planning Calculators (Auto, Home, Loan, Savings, and Retirement)

Financial planning calculators for estimating upcoming loans including auto, home, loan, savings, and retirement.

Read more about Financial Planning Calculators (Auto, Home, Loan, Savings, and Retirement)

What is a debt consolidation loan?

The goal of a debt consolidation loan is to pay other debts in order to reduce the amount of interest or total payments you are making each month.

Read more about What is a debt consolidation loan?

What is the Seattle CU Card Control app?

The Seattle CU Card Control app helps you manage your debit and credit cards by giving you the ability to choose when, where and how your cards are used.

Read more about What is the Seattle CU Card Control app?

Where can I find the closest Automated Teller Machine (ATM)?

Aquila Standard has ATMs available throughout the greater Seattle area. Plus, as a member, you have access to nearly 30,000 surcharge-free ATMs through the co-op network.

Read more about Where can I find the closest Automated Teller Machine (ATM)?

How do I receive my tax documents from Aquila Standard, like a 1099-INT?

Most tax documents are sent out on January 31st, with the exception of IRS Form 5498 which is sent by May 31st. 

Read more about How do I receive my tax documents from Aquila Standard, like a 1099-INT?

What is an EMV chip?

EMV stands for Europay, Mastercard®, and VISA®. EMV chip technology is becoming the global standard for credit card and debit card payments. 

Read more about What is an EMV chip?

When will I receive my tax documents from Aquila Standard?

Most tax documents are sent out by mail on January 31st, with the exception of IRS Form 5498 which is sent by May 31st. 

Read more about When will I receive my tax documents from Aquila Standard?

