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Displaying 271-280 of 296 results.

Showing results for "askus 20".

What are the minimum balances for my depository accounts?

For information on the minimum balance required to open and avoid maintenance fees on your Aquila Standard accounts, please see Checking Accounts and the Savings and Certificates page for checking and saving, respectively.

Read more about What are the minimum balances for my depository accounts?

What is the Seattle CU Card Control app?

The Seattle CU Card Control app helps you manage your debit and credit cards by giving you the ability to choose when, where and how your cards are used.

Read more about What is the Seattle CU Card Control app?

What do I need to know about the UUX banking experience?

The Unified User Experience (UUX) in online banking and the mobile banking app provides you with the same account management experience on your desktop, tablet, and smartphone.

Read more about What do I need to know about the UUX banking experience?

Who can I pay with Bill Pay?

You can pay practically anyone using Bill Pay including, charge accounts, utilities, auto loans, even your doctor or day-care center.

Read more about Who can I pay with Bill Pay?

Does Aquila Standard offer free notary services?

Yes, all Aquila Standard locations except our Beacon Hill location offer free notary services to members. To find a location near you, use our Location finder.

Read more about Does Aquila Standard offer free notary services?

What is a mortgage?

A mortgage is a loan secured by your home. Mortgages can be used to purchase homes and property, to refinance an existing home loan, and in some cases to provide cash or pay off other debt.

Read more about What is a mortgage?

What's the process of getting the auto funding if I'm buying from a dealer? What about from a private party?

Once you have a loan approval from us, if you're purchasing from a dealer, we'll need a dealer-signed purchase order with all the correct information including the VIN, mileage, borrowers names, and the final unpaid balance that is being financed with us.

Read more about What's the process of getting the auto funding if I'm buying from a dealer? What about from a private party?

How do I rename my accounts?

In order to change the account names themselves, please log in to your online banking, select the account, and then click on the "Change" link next to the account nickname in the Account Details section on the right side of the screen.

Read more about How do I rename my accounts?

How do I cancel pending transactions?

Use the Activity Center page to cancel a pending transaction. If you cancel a transaction on the Recurring Transactions tab, you cancel all future recurrences of the transaction. If you cancel a single transaction in a recurring series on the Single Transactions tab, you cancel the single occurrence, not the entire series.

Read more about How do I cancel pending transactions?

How to enable fingerprint login for Android Devices?

To login to the Aquila Standard Mobile App with a fingerprint you must have an Android device with a fingerprint scanner.  

Read more about How to enable fingerprint login for Android Devices?

