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Showing results for "sites www seattlecu com files personal loan rates seattle credit union pdf".

What are points in relation to mortgages?

Points are fees you pay to a lender when you fund your mortgage in exchange for a lower interest rate. Aquila Standard offers programs with points and without points.

Read more about What are points in relation to mortgages?

Do you have a student checking account?

Yes, to help parents give their children a head start, Aquila Standard offers Student Checking, a full-featured checking account for members 13 through 18 years old that teaches students to set and stick to a budget before they leave home.

Read more about Do you have a student checking account?

What are the minimum balances for my depository accounts?

For information on the minimum balance required to open and avoid maintenance fees on your Aquila Standard accounts, please see Checking Accounts and the Savings and Certificates page for checking and saving, respectively.

Read more about What are the minimum balances for my depository accounts?

What is the "Credit Card Telephone Scam"?

Please be aware of the following and note that the callers do not ask for your card number as they already have it. They are looking for you to provide the three-digit security code on the back of your card located next to the signature block.

Read more about What is the "Credit Card Telephone Scam"?

How to enable four-digit passcodes.

Here are the step-by-step directions to enable four-digit passcodes.

Read more about How to enable four-digit passcodes.

What is loan-to-value (LTV)?

Loan-to-Value is a ratio of the equity you have in your collateral, like your home, calculated by taking the total amount you owe on your home and dividing that by how much your home is worth.

Read more about What is loan-to-value (LTV)?

I can't access my Visa Reward Points.

To access your uChoose Rewards points, log into online banking. On desktop, click on your credit card account or on mobile, go to Accounts > Credit Card Information. On the next screen click on the uChoose Rewards image below the menu on the left side of the screen.

Read more about I can't access my Visa Reward Points.

What if I have questions about my loan application?

If you have questions regarding your application, or need to update us with information, please call our Lending Department at 206.398.5500 and press option 2.

Read more about What if I have questions about my loan application?

